Homepage Publications


We produce a range of publications, for professionals, people with mental ill health and families/carers. You can download them from our website. We have copies of some materials – contact us to enquire.


Significantly impaired decision making ability – How well is it recorded in practice?

15 Jul, 2021 | .pdf, 293.5 KB

The Commission has a statutory duty to promote best practice with the Mental Health. One way we do this is by presenting the key findings of our research and monitoring activity. Our findings on Significantly impaired decision making ability is presented in a summarised format here.


Supported decision-making (good practice)

4 Feb, 2021 | .pdf, 1.5 MB

Our Supported Decision Making good practice guide explains the relevance and importance of supported decision making, and the role that it can play in reinforcing principales that underpin Scottish legislation.


Supported decision making (report)

30 Jul, 2019 | .pdf, 516.4 KB

The views of people with lived experience on supported decision making and people with a mental illness - some practicalities.


Working with Independent Advocates

1 Sep, 2017 | .pdf, 645 KB

Information to help practitioners understand the role of independent advocacy, with guidance on dealing with difficult situations.


Seeking Your Views Consultation: Capacity, Detention, Supported Decision Making and Mental Ill Health

28 Apr, 2017 | .pdf, 295.3 KB

The following paper reflects the voice, experience and opinions that people with lived experience and carers, as individuals and as groups, provided for the Commission’s current work on supported decision making.